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Kurtis Jon Siu, Special Olympics Athlete, Hong Kong and Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger

Kurtis Jon Siu

Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger

Kurtis Jon Siu is from Hong Kong, China and is a graduate at the Savannah College of Art and Design where he majored in graphic design. Now he is a graphic designer at a labelling company. As a Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger, Kurtis hopes to raise public awareness of the talents of his fellow athletes through his own artwork.

Kurtis comes from a family of four, with one older brother who also has intellectual disability. Kurtis credits Special Olympics for building his confidence not only in sports but also in growing his passion for art.

Unlike most of his peers with intellectual disabilities, Kurtis had the opportunity to study at a mainstream school with an inclusive setting. Talking about his experience, Kurtis says, “I am fine with who I am and what I can do, and I think we all should be the same.” He has been carrying this attitude with him in his role of regional messenger, athlete leader, and now International Global Messenger.

Kurtis started his journey with Special Olympics when he was just 11 years old. As a competitive figure skater, he competed in the Winter World Games in 2005, 2009, and 2013. In addition, he participated as a golf player in the Summer World Games in 2015. Besides competing in sporting events, Kurtis was also one of the many artists in the 2017 Winter World Games teaching athletes and families drawing in the “art jamming” program.

As a Global Messenger, Kurtis has been working with different groups of people around the world. By using his communication and ideas, he hopes to spread the message and spirit of the Special Olympics community through his awareness, messages, artwork, and leadership. He also gives advice to the intellectually disabled communities on the latest concerns and future risks and encourages them to stand up and speak out for themselves. Kurtis serves as a member of the Regional Athlete Input Council for Special Olympics East Asia Region. His mission is to provide input based on his experiences and provide the latest information for the region’s improvements.

Kurtis says, “I am here to learn, to share, and I hope I can bring home more insights of what I can do.”

International Global Messengers


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